A season of frustration, headaches, business, worry and sleep depravation is coming to an end.
Such a wonderful event has been over shadowed by many of these things. Working at Myer has made me realise how little people think of the reason for the season, and just get caught up in the game of present buying.
Grants grandfather passed away last night, it was a reminder for me that life is so full of amazing adventures and wonders, but we seem to miss them as more "important" things take over. Ed (grants grandfather) has such a full life, died peacefully in his sleep, and gave me hope that through all this madness life, lights and life is still with us, till the end of the age. Even through this time that they call christmas
It was made by the children of St Paul's Church in New Zealand. This clip is something else that has given me hope. It tells the story of christmas in such an innocent, beautiful and child like way. it made me cry with joy. Non of this older generation interference, but faith like a child.
I wish to have faith like a child.
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