Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Advance Australia Fair...

Its 19 days until we depart on a new adventure, and it is slowly starting to freak me out.
I had a dream the other night that we were on the plane and I was looking out at Australia, and all of a sudden I got really emotional and didn't want to leave.
I am not the patriotic type. I can't stand Australia day festivities, people who throw Australian flags around their shoulders like super heros I never understood, and singing the national anthem for twelve years of schooling lost its magic a long time ago. So this dream really through me!

We have written a list of things to do before we go and they are slowly being ticked off one by one.
One thing I haven't worked out yet is which camera's to take (if not all) and how.

Grant was given a Polaroid camera for christmas this year, and
with it, he'll be recording many adventures and wonders of this trip.

Here are a few samples.

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Dreaming of working in a book shop in edinburgh

"half ten? what happens at half ten? i've never been up that early"

Faith like a child

A season of frustration, headaches, business, worry and sleep depravation is coming to an end.
Such a wonderful event has been over shadowed by many of these things. Working at Myer has made me realise how little people think of the reason for the season, and just get caught up in the game of present buying.

Grants grandfather passed away last night, it was a reminder for me that life is so full of amazing adventures and wonders, but we seem to miss them as more "important" things take over. Ed (grants grandfather) has such a full life, died peacefully in his sleep, and gave me hope that through all this madness life, lights and life is still with us, till the end of the age. Even through this time that they call christmas

It was made by the children of St Paul's Church in New Zealand. This clip is something else that has given me hope. It tells the story of christmas in such an innocent, beautiful and child like way. it made me cry with joy. Non of this older generation interference, but faith like a child.

I wish to have faith like a child.

Sunday, December 5, 2010

There before the grace of you go I

And so you see I have come to doubt
All that I once held as true
I stand alone without beliefs
The only truth I know is you.

Friday, December 3, 2010


Things to do an a rainy day...


Play in the shed

Have a cuddle

Or a nap

Play Ukulele

Write a letter

Read a book

And don't forget to smile.

These are a few pictures from our new little place a residence..

Another rainy day

It's been raining in Belgrave South for the past four days.
I guess its been a time for thinking, sleeping and playing with moses..

I re discovered an old love of mine last week. Film.
Black and White film. And i have fallen in l
ove once again. I bought a roll and used it all on the day of our wedding anniversary!...got them printed, and now want more film..

The day is getting closer for our departure. Some things are being organised, others are waiting to be.
Still nomads without a home at the moment. Foxes have holes, the birds have nests, yet we still have no place to call home.

Grant and I went to watch "The voyage of the dawn treader" last night". All in all it was good, missed out a few crucial parts, but we were both inspired to continue to live life whilst seeking Gods kingdom.

There is a line in the book were Lucy is asking Alan if he will be with them in their world. Aslan replies that he always was and will be, but that he has another name in her world, and she must learn it. He also says that the time she spent in Narnia was so that she could learn who he really is in her world..

beautiful, insightful, inspiring and I once again fell in love with C.S lewis.