Sunday, November 14, 2010

The new

one of the many posts to come i'm sure.
It's exactly 58 days until we set off on a new adventure into a new part of the world.
It only dawned on me today that living in australia is coming to an end. weird..entering into a new
time zone, new accents, new food and pretty much new everything is exciting but daunting thing to com to grips'll all be alright on the night.

So one folio down and NONE to go...YAY!! finally finished a year of uni and can look forward to...the next year. oh well, lots more amazing opportunities for me and my camera next year.
Heres a sneak peak of some of the images in my folio. Care of Amiee, Maxwell and George. Thanks guys, without you it wouldn't have happened..

On the topic of all things new. Grant and I have a new home. 8 Temple Rd Belgrave South. Where i first met, his parents. Yep, we've moved back with the folks and i love it! Own space, nice bathroom, HEATING!.

All is well in this house hold.

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